Here's a builder who's work I've been saving for a little while now, but I finally got myself together enough to share it today. I've been struggling for a few weeks to think of a fitting description to best present the work of German
Model Cars Mag board member Aleks and I've killed a LOT of time on
his site trying to work out which incredible build to feature as the header pic for this blog.
There's a Fiat 500 with a brass tube frame and a scratchbuilt V2 hemi. A killer lime coloured soapbox derby racer. A Revell Smart car with machined rims. A streamlined slat flats car, and dozens more all worthy of space and their own write ups here. That amazing T that I eventually settled on was picked for my love of the old school hot rod and for it's excellent demonstration of the kind of multimedia build that Aleks enjoys. But its by no means the only one. They're not even all cars, theres an incredible compresor, and little scale metal tools scattered around some of the pics. SOOOO much inspiration.
So much in fact, that evry time I went to check out Alek's site to find out some more about him, I got lost in the gorgeous shots of his projects and sidetracked for hours. Truely a craftsman, truely a master, and truely inspirational.
Check it outJB