There's AFTERmarket parts manufacturers, and theirs UNDERmarket parts manufacturers. The aftermarket firms are the ones you've all heard of. Replicas and Miniatures, Detail Master, The Parts Box. But beyond these niche companies are companies that are such a good secret they're that you wont find them in any shops, in magazines or on eBay. Well, maybe eBay, but only if theyre selling the stuff themselves. We're talking seriously cool stuff, sold in tiny quantities, and a real treat - if you can hunt them down at all.
The term 'undermarket', which I just came up with when contemplating how best to describe them, isn't meant in a derogatory sense in the slightest, it just reflects I think the 'under the radar' nature of these firms. Googling for anything they make probably wont bring up any results showing you where to apply your credit card number in order to get them. You might have to write a letter (yes, a real one, with a stamp), or call a phone number between 5 and 6pm. These guys aren't interested in making big bucks out of the parts they lovingly create, they just do it for the love of it, and it's high time they were recognised. Also, I love to gloat about the cool shit I have in my collection...
First up, is Lindley Ruddick who, as far as I can tell, only makes one kit. Like I say, this aint big businesses we're talking about here...
Lindley followed the lead of Replicas and Miniatures by producing a simplified version of their ultra cool AMT Bonneville Kart, as featured
here. Now, $40 might seem a little excessive to some, and seeing as the frame and engine are pretty much hidden when the body is on, Lindley has made a simplified version consisting of an upper body, a lower body, and a vacuum formed clear canopy. You might thing it sacrilege to detail down, but any kit that can look as cool as
this one that we featured in February is fine in my eyes.
Even cooler, Lindley is running a kind of offline community build project, sending the kits out to interested builders, on the provision that they display them at NNL West 2009. He had quite the turn out of karts in
2007 and
2008, and I'm excited about sending him mine to display at next year's show. I'm thinking white/red SoCal Speed Shop style for mine, in case you were wondering.
Anyway, if you're interested in these, check out Lindley's site