Thursday 28 February 2008

Scurvy's Bonneville Kart

I cant get enough of these kits lately - and it seems that a lot of you modellers out there cant either. This is the most original one I've seen yet though...

Built by CC regular Scurvy, this kool kart looks like it was just dragged out of the barn, or a hole, ready for a little tinkering before putting it back on the salt. Beautifully weathered, it took me a minute or two to work out whether he'd REALLY dug up a model or if it was a model of a car that was meant to look like it'd just been dug up. The rusty exhaust shoulda been the give away, but it's so damn good that it took a while for my brain to work it out.

I GOTTA build me about 20 of these - and a weathered one just like this has gotta be one of them. More pics here, check 'em out!


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